Victorian Tile Restoration & Other Projects

victorian-hotel-geometric-tiled-floor-restoredWe aim to restore as many Historic tiled floors & walls as we can listed or not the main purpose is to restore the tile scheme and so allow the tiles to be viewed & enjoyed once more.

Our contracts have ranged from as small a one square metre to over twelve hundred square metres, however we pay as much attention to small projects as larger projects each job is important.

We have restored mosaics in listed buildings in Belfast Harbour Commissioners and Victorian encaustic & geometric tiled floors in Grade 1 listed buildings in Churches plus many other contracts all over the UK & abroad.

Our references include those from Architects to Church clergy- private householders –lawyers & many others.

We use a mix of re-claimed tiles & new tiles to restore damaged floors exact matches can be attained but sometimes a close match is all that can be achieved given that often we are dealing with tiles over 140 years old.

A pre-contract consultation service is offered for large scale Victorian tiling contracts that need specialist input e.g. for insurance purposes or for grants etc.

This service would prevent a mistake being made when quoting for Victorian tile work; this is often under-priced.